Android Beer List, Ratings & Reviews

Chimay Red Ale
(5.0 stars)

Poured from an 11.2 ounce bottle into my Chimay chalice. Enjoying a night cap on a Friday night after a busy week. Couldn't have picked a better brew. Pours a hazy crimson red with an aggressive, effervescent off white head that lingered before settling into some world class lacing. Smell is inviting, it's peppery but sweet with cloves and some fruitiness...bananas, peaches, apricots. Taste is spot on for a Belgian dubbel. Taste is fruity and spicy with a great balance between the sweetness of the malt and some slight hops bitterness. There is definitely some fruit flavor (plum) and more cloves. The traditional Belgian yeastiness appears in the background of each sip and it ties the whole taste experience together well. The mouthfeel is middling and the carbonation is sublime. It was constant throughout the entire beer. As for drinkability, the 7% is hidden quite well. I could stand to have a few of these in a sitting although I'd be paying for it in the morning. All in all, another wonderful beer from the trappist monks at Chimay.

by drinking buddha

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