Android Game Collection & Inventory

Donkey Kong 64
(4.0 stars)

Donkey Kong 64 was released in 1999 by Nintendo and Rare for the Nintendo 64. It was Donkey Kong's leap in 3D and the leap was not dissapointing. The story for DK 64 is that King K Rool has stolen all the golden bananas and captured all of Donkey Kong's friend's and its up to Donkey Kong to save them. The controls are easy to learn and are tight and responsive and work well with the N64 controller. Now for the N64 the graphics are some of the best on the system and look amazing. Now the gameplay is great but at some points it can get boring just running around and collecting things it just gets repetive. Another thing is why is Dixie and Kiddy Kong not in the game first time I played I looked at the character menu and I'm like Tiny kong, Lanky kong, Chunky Kong wtf. Thank god the characters were very memerable and each kong had a power and weapon that's fucking awesome. All in all this is a must have for the N64. 4/5

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Comments on this Game

My favorite DK game!
Candy | on Jan 27, 2013

It was my first DK game but my favorite is DKC for snes
| on Feb 03, 2013

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